Sunday, November 23, 2008

Too long since a "Jedism" was shared...

Nothing our son has said recently has really "screamed" to be put in the blog, but this week changed that.

So, here's a "Jedism" for you for Thanksgiving week.

The other day a volunteer, and dear member, at the church was wrapping a shoebox to send to Operation Christmas Child. She didn't need the rest of the wrapping paper, so she offered it to me. I gladly accepted.

When I walked in the door at home, I was carrying the roll of giftwrap. My son ran to the door to meet me (he does this whenever he hears my key in the door--it's precious).

"Hey, mommy!" he yelled gleefully, and then, spotting what was in my hand:

"Oh, wow!!" (grabbing the roll of paper now and holding the end to his eye like a telescope) "Is this for playing pirate!!??"
I guess we hadn't told him it was almost time to wrap Christmas gifts!

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