Saturday, April 25, 2009

A "Jedism" Kind of Weekend

I really need to be catching up on work, but since Jim shared with me this past week (at our Board of Camps and Retreats Ministries meeting at Asbury Hills UM Camp, about which I will blog soon) that he liked my sharing of my little boy's humor, I thought I'd relay a new "Jedism" from Thursday night.

When I got home from that overnight meeting, "Jed" and I had some quality time together, the latter part of which involved cleaning his mess from the den. You need to know that his best little stuffed friend is named "Lambie." Lambie is, of course, a lamb. Well, Lambie was on the floor, as were many other things. "Jed" couldn't get them all, so I offered to help him.

"Would you like for me to carry Lambie?" I asked helpfully.

"Yes," he said, absently.

We took a few steps into the hallway, at which point he actually noticed for the first time that I had picked up Lambie. He put out his little arms as if to stop me from moving.

"Oh, Mommy, Mommy," he said, "I meant 'no.' No, you can't carry Lambie."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, because you have to be special to carry him."

"Am I not special?" I asked, trying to hold down my smile.

"Um, well, you are special," he replied, "just not really quite special ENOUGH."

Gotta love the possessiveness of a four-year-old for his best friend!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Six years ago today...

I married this man.

We were standing in the small Memorial Chapel within the massive and gothic Duke University Chapel. I promised, with newer vows from our United Methodist Book of Worship to "encourage the gifts of God in you," or something like that :-)

Today, I still love to hear him play the piano, the organ, the trumpet, the fluglehorn. I love to watch him play with our son. I am thankful to have a husband who supports my minstry and who understands its demands, even when those demands interfere with our family plans. I even love that he wants to spend our anniversary evening walking in the Relay for Life. So that's what we'll do tonight, even as I give thanks for the gift that my husband is.

Happy anniversary, honey!

Death...and LIFE

We've just walked through the journey of Holy Week, moved from death to life. The journey was pretty amazing here... Above is a picture of what Good Friday evening looked like.

Our church shared the Holy Week journey (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship) with three other churches: another UMC, a Baptist (Cooperative Fellowship) congregation, and a PCUSA church. The four ministers led the services, and a combined 80-voice choir sang at each one. These two were the last of a series of four services, which also included Ash Wednesday.

We also shared the Lenten journey with four other UMC's, joining together with them each Sunday evening of the first 5 weeks of Lent. This brought together United Methodists of all backgrounds and several ethnic groups.

These services that have brought together followers of Jesus from many different groups were a tremendous source of joy, hope, and life for me throughout the wilderness journey of the 40 days of Lenten fasting....but now

Easter has come!!

This 50 days is about LIFE...NEW LIFE!

To the end that we might experience the power of Jesus' resurrection as a church family, I am looking forward to two things:

1. Dr. Kennon Callahan, author of Twelve Keys to an Effective Church WILL BE COMING TO HELP OUR CHURCH DISCERN GOD'S VISION FOR OUR FUTURE. He will be here on Saturday, May 16, and I hope that our church family will be as excited as I am that we are going to be able to glean from his wisdom and experience as we seek God's guidance for the church's LIFE in the future.

2. WE ARE GOING TO START A NEW WORSHIP EXPERIENCE! Look for details in a post to come very soon. The date to begin this source of new life is June 9 (and yes, that's a Tuesday).

In summary, I want to thank the Church Council of my congregation for their "leap of faith" in the two areas mentioned above. And I'd like to invite all of you readers to be in prayer for our church family as we undertake this new ventures. Please pray with me that they will indeed be signs, symbols, and means of God's power of resurrection here in this place!