Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

+ Write thank-you notes
+ Pray at least one Psalm each day
+ Keep our bedroom straight; it is my "secular sanctuary"
+ Compliment my husband and son, and at least one other person, each day
+ Say "I can't take this" less and pray "Lord, help me" more
+ Go to the dentist for yearly visit
+ Write a short story
+ Actually take my recommended monthly day for "spiritual rest and renewal"
+ Put (small amount of) savings into high-yield account
+ Cook (really cook--from scratch) at least one meal a week
+ Read the newspaper (or at least skim it) each day
+ Observe Lent
+ Celebrate Easter
+ Take a real vacation again
+ Call friends regularly
+ Eat dark chocolate
+ Carry a canvas bag for minor shopping trips
+ Buy local produce whenever possible
+ Spend more money for organic or earth-friendly products
+ Make and use natural cleaners
+ Replace our lightbulbs with all CFL's
+ Make a scrapbook or two
+ Enjoy something about each day
+ Say "thank you" to God for something each day
+ Remember who and Whose I am all the time
+ And my to be faithful in all things


1 comment:

Stephen Taylor said...

I've never seen anyone put on their "to do" list "eat chocolate," but of course there's not many folks like you... :)