Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Pastoral Letter to My Congregation Regarding the Election

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus
+ Philippians 3:6-7

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change…
+ Psalm 1:1-2a

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

On Tuesday, our nation elected a new president. Barack Obama will become the next leader of our nation. While for many this moment was a watershed of progress and hope, for many others Obama’s election raised fear and concern.

Over the past week, I have heard some speaking about our next president as a “savior” figure. I have heard others refer to him as “anti-christ.” I have heard confident people express deep satisfaction at our democratic process and its result, and others concerned that our nation faces uncertainties with an Obama administration that it would not have under a McCain one.

To all of these uncertainties, opinions, and fears, God has a word to speak. The scriptures that are the heading of this letter are the Lord’s word to us in this and every time.

We must remember as we look ahead to January and beyond: We believe that God the Creator is Sovereign. We worship Jesus as Lord of lords and King of kings. We trust that the Holy Spirit is and will be at work in and among the people who trust in God. We must rely on the promises that, no matter what the future holds, good or bad, God our Lord always holds us and our eternal future, if we follow Christ Jesus in the way that leads to life. Therefore we have nothing to fear or dread in this life.

In the coming weeks, we must also remind ourselves and others that Barack Obama is simply a man: a man who gave his life to Jesus Christ at a church altar 20 years ago and was baptized in the one Holy Spirit we all share, a man who pledges love and loyalty to this nation, and a man who we pray will humble himself before the Lord, seeking God’s guidance, during his time of leadership.

Let us be always in a spirit of prayer for our nation, that God’s peace will be sent to and among us, that we may grow in the ways of Christ, and that we may comfort one another with the assuring words of the God’s presence and promise. Let us pray for all our leaders, especially lifting our president- and vice-president-elect.

And let us always seek first the kingdom of God and the Lord’s righteousness, knowing that as we do, we become a light to the nations and a sign of God’s peace, hope, promise, and sovereignty in this and every age.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Kristen

1 comment:

revmomof3 said...

Very nicely written! I've passed this along for others to read as it addresses those emotions a lot of people are feeling right now.