Friday, October 17, 2008

A New Leaf

Long time, no blog...


I can blame it on lots of things:

lack of reflection,
lack of focus,
a preschooler who demands all my non-work time,
and did I mention busyness?

I can also blame it on the fact that I have a new "journaling out loud" outlet in this new appointment, namely

Morning Minutes.

Each Monday--Friday morning, if you live in this area, you can hear me two times waxing reflective for one minute on general spiritual issues that I see arising in the world around us, and/or on the Scriptural witness for our lives specifically.

This church has a long tradition of providing "Morning Minutes" from the pastor, and it's something I have very much enjoyed. I have also had several people ask me for copies of what I've said, and so:

I'm turning over a new leaf in blogging.

I decided on it while I was at Duke this week for Pastor's School and Convocation.

From now on, I will post most of my "Morning Minutes" after they have run, for anyone to enjoy. This will accomplish two things:
1. allowing anyone who wants a copy of what I've said to download it, and
2. keeping me blogging on a regular (daily) basis!

Of course, there are no "Morning Minutes" for the weekends, so I'll have opportunities to share other thoughts and "Jedisms" then.

Who knows? I might even post some sermons!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the look and feel of the "new leaf."

I'll start tomorrow sharing some of the previously aired "Minutes".

Hope you enjoy!

And for those of you who read this primarily for "Jedisms", here's one for today, along with a glimpse into our family's world.

Each morning when "Jed" wakes up, he calls me (or Daddy if Mommy's away at the hospital or some continuing education event). Here's how he does it:

He opens his cute little mouth and sings, yes sings...
Moooommmy, come in my beeeedddd-rooooom!

What a beautiful way to start the day!

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