Saturday, September 6, 2008

Adorable, but...

A few nights ago, my son hardly slept.

He had developed a cold, and the congestion in his nose kept waking him up. He refused medicine (and remember how the FDA said it didn't help anyway and not to give it to young children??). It made for a very, very long night for all of us.

Around 5:00 a.m., we were all trying to get back to sleep after dealing with the troubles of mucus at around 4:50. We had given our son a tissue to hold in his hand in the bed and use when he needed it.

Suddenly, my husband and I heard a sing-song voice coming through the baby monitors (yes, we still use them so I can hear my son breathe). The little voice said/sang:

Oh, tissue!
Where are you, tissue??
Tissue, I can't fiiiind you...
Come, here, little tissue!
Where aaaaarrrree you?

Oh, yes, it was adorable. But it was also 5 a.m. after a very long night of interrupted sleep.

I wouldn't trade it for anything, this little amazing gift of God.

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